Our Story

Welcome to our story! Our Wooden, Bamboo, and Skateboard Sunglasses project began with a passion for sustainability, craftsmanship, and a desire to make a unique fashion statement. This woman founded business started when we were looking for Wooden Sunglasses while on vacation. After endless stops at stores, we couldn't even find one pair of wooden sunglasses. Eventually, we came up with the idea of creating our own Wooden and Bamboo Sunglasses!

But it wasn't just about creating a handmade product; it was about making a positive impact. We had to make sure every pair of sunglasses was made with respect for our planet. By using Wood and Bamboo, each renewable resources, we aim to minimize our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. 

So, as a viewer and customer, we ask you this. Join us in making a positive impact on the environment while looking effortlessly stylish. Ultimately, we are thrilled to share our Wooden and Bamboo Sunglasses with you and invite you to be part of our journey towards a more sustainable and fashion forward future. Thank you for joining us on this adventure! 

Warm regards,
